Donate to Cardinal Stritch and Receive Full Donation Tax Credit!

Beginning January 2024, under the Ohio Tax Credit Program, donations up to $750 (individual) or $1500 (married filed jointly) to an Ohio Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO) may qualify for a TAX CREDIT on the donor’s Ohio tax return. Any donation above your Ohio tax liability may be taken as a deduction on your federal tax return. Remember, a credit is a dollar-for-dollar amount that reduces taxes owed to the State of Ohio, compared to a tax deduction which reduces a taxpayer’s overall taxable income. 

It’s easy!

  1. Visit our partner, Ohio’s Every Child Every Family’s website at 
  2. Select Cardinal Stritch Catholic High School & Academy (Oregon) 
  3. Make your donation

That’s it! 

Every Child Every Family will send you, the donor, a tax receipt while also alerting Cardinal Stritch of the generous gift. Cardinal Stritch will then receive the funds from Every Child Every Family to award student scholarships. (Donors may not select a specific student for the funds.) Specific tax questions should be directed to your personal tax advisor.

For more information, and to donate today, click here!

